Love of God Personalities DaveZia

Free or Fee

"Should a prayer ministry ever charge money?" "Shouldn't it always be a donation?"

For many years I've freely given as much Christian life as possible, through prayer, time, money, service, articles, audio, video, gifts, service, encouragement, presence, etc.  Though well-motivated, God showed me I was actually partially reinforcing something dysfunctional, because in my family history, we often have a very hard time receiving. 

And that makes it much harder to receive from God. After I repented for this, I started to receive more supernaturally experiences. 

Q: Should a Prayer Ministry Charge Money?

The Easy Technical Answer

Giving and Receiving in God's Life

Why is Giving and Receiving Important?

How We Treat Others is How We Treat Christ

When to Give? Led by the Spirit or a Law?

So Why is This a Common Question?

But Isn't God's Love Free?

Our Case:

Elijah-Widow Example (given to Zia)

Consumer Exchange vs. Relational Connection

More Practical Benefits

What the Client Doesn't See

Receiving the Reward from Good Ministries

What Might Be Behind the Question

Giving and Receiving Results in Healing

If the thoughts on this page have been helpful, please note they were free. ;)

Thus we clearly see giving and receiving should be Spirit-led. It is:  biblical, how Jesus lives, what the Spirit is saying today, what the Spirit is telling us personally, common sense, psychologically sound, more effective, emotionally fruitful, physically practical.

(Actually, not being led by the Spirit is from the enemy.  Guess who doesn't want the prayer ministry to thrive?) 

Christ says "on earth as it is in Heaven" so that a person has all the resources needed for their story.

Kingdom Economy

To the extent that you will surrender control of your life to Me will you find a deeper sense of contentment in My promise to care for you and supply every need. "I have come that you may have life more abundantly." This involves your submission to let go into Me. You are not leading; you are being led.

As your will and mine come together, you will see more of the promised life I have called you to. This is My will for you: abundance. Put no faith in your dying flesh, your finite thought patterns, your limited vision. How can I plead with you more to let you know how deeply My desire for you is a fruitful life? Are there automatic thought patterns that lock Me out? Let me update your perspective with trust-filled joy. Let go whatever does not line up with Me.

I have your victory—it awaits those bold enough to stand for it and see the power of My will.

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
John 15:8