The Release of Healing
A good
principle is:
Assume God will heal until He clearly indicates
Inner Healing Lecture
How to get a healing?
Inner Healing Resources
"Outer Healing" Testimonies
- Damian Stayne Healing Highlights
- Tom Fischer Street Healing
- Science Studies on Healing
- Lee Strobel testimonies
- Perry Marshall Testimonies
- Parkinson's JP2 Healing
CBN Bethel Miracles Film - Disappearing Tumor Film
- Woman Gets Out of Wheelchair
- Medical Research Team Confirms Healing Ministry of Heidi Baker
- Healing Body and Soul. Jesus connects forgiveness and healing: "what is easier, for me to forgive sins or to heal this man?"
- Trust. When Jesus refused to heal the main reason was usually a lack of faith. At a healing service a friend once witnessed a miracle, but she later said to me, "Even though I saw it grow with my own eyes, for some reason I still struggle with believing. I think faith has more to do with believing than with seeing."
- What if I Don't Get a Healing? Of course, God chooses the means and timing. Normally He uses doctors, diet, sleep, exercise and common sense—all His gifted instruments. And often He makes us wait, because He's working a greater good (e.g., trust, perseverance). However, it's much more common that we don't expect the supernatural. Personally, I'm surprised how often God imparts the miraculous. What does Jesus say about this?
- A Healing Kingdom. John Wimber was interviewed by ABC's Peter Jennings regarding his healing ministry and responded, "When I was in Satan's kingdom I got to do everything Satan does; now that I'm in Jesus' Kingdom, I want to do everything Jesus does!"
- The Real Deal. Certainly sometimes healing is counterfeit or mistaken, but that doesn't negate the genuine. At least 1/3 of Christ's ministry regarded healing.
Come for your healing—submit to My love and you can live for others without hurts, where you'll have divine capacity to do great things on a small scale. I am a powerful, almighty God and I equip My people for freedom to love and to be loved. My plan never involves your oppression. I tell you to press in and draw more near to Me.
Praise Me. At times, enact warfare prayer against the forces of the enemy that hold you and this world down. Prayer and fasting will put your focus more back upon Me.
You are My vessels created by Me for honor and to share My glory. Amidst sorrow, in Me you'll find joy; in fear, I am your protection; in loneliness, I am your ever-loving companion and friend; in confusion, I am your wisdom; in pain, your healing balm who comforts.